What is a comfort zone? It is those familiar parts of your life where you innately feel safe and secure in a go-to routine. It is a habit that you have grown accustomed to over time. Living in your comfort zone can be a soothing feeling. However, it can also be a double-edged sword for many, if you just pack up and live in this space to long. It can turn into a zone of STAGNATION that can limit your personal, professional and your mental growth. To begin to break out of this stagnant state of living, you will first need to be honest with what is going on with you. Becoming "Self-Aware" is the first step towards change. Start with identifying your personal type of comfort zone and determine which things truly are either helping you grow or hindering your life. Then make a CHOICE to create new routines and habits. Define what you want to actually achieve. What is that thing you want, but have not pushed yourself to begin? Learn a new skill, meeting new people or possibly go travel somewhere new. Begin to gradually expose yourself to your discomfort and allow new experiences to flow in over time.
Many times, fear is the culprit of remaining in a comfort zone to long, even if you wish to move forward. If you begin to take steps and practice letting go of your fear, and learn to embrace failures, uncertainty and rejection, as a normal part of life this can be a start to chip away at any fearfulness you feel.

Find Your Personal Secret Sauce?
When you challenge yourself to break out of your comfort zone. . . you are testing your own wings (your willpower) to see just how high you can fly on your own inner strength! In order to learn what type of magic is inside of you. . YOU MUST be willing to be uncomfortable with the unknown. This is where true growth begins. No excuses allowed. You can do this!
I can promise you this. . . everyone has their own version of a SECRET SAUCE inside of them. If you know what areas in your personality that has shown true courage, then borrow some of that energy and apply it to an obstacle. You just have to take that first step, then another and another and it will begin to slowly reveal itself to you. Just bend and be willing to try something new in order to break out of your comfort zone and face your fears. There is something that is so uniquely YOU, that you do without ever needing to think about it. What is that? Is it how you think, speak, empathize, learn, love, etc. Take a few moments daily and think about all the wonderful gifts you already have inside of you.
For most people, stagnation manifests due to unrealistic fear, as well as fear that has good cause. Fear normally shows up when there is a perceived risk and\or feeling of unworthiness. Just know that you are not alone, most people have felt this particular emotion too. Most times before a breakthrough will occur, you must challenge your own shadow-self in some form. This is simply that part of you that has an energetic lower vibration. It reveals itself in the world through, anger, sadness, envy, low motivation, low inspiration, hate, aggression and the feeling of a lack of love to name a few.
Quote: "...the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."
Running towards your fears requires you to step outside your comfort zone and take a risk. Hiding from fear or from trying something new, can feel very paralyzing, but the longer you hide it usually makes the situation worse by not taking any action. Try to keep this understanding upfront in your mind, as a means to push past the unknown when it shows up in your life creating uncomfortable situations. It takes true courage to step out and face the things you are afraid of dealing with. Therefore, if you run toward your fear this can break a cycle of anxiousness or that dreaded doom and gloom limited-thinking just by confronting it. Once you approach a situation you feared, you will find out most times, that your imagination many have exaggerated the situation some. Remember, when you run towards your fear you learn to become comfortable with feeling uncomfortable with the unknown.
Understand that failure is part of the process. It is simply an opportunity to know what works for you and what does not. You learn and grow each time you have pushed past your comfort zone. However, if you take steps towards your fear of failure you will build self-esteem and renewed confidence in your ability to handle life's challenges. Sheltering yourself from facing those challenges only puts them off to deal with later. Push yourself! Push yourself through it.
Imagine positive results knowing that you will be alright if you step out of your comfort zone. Keep a steady mental diet of seeing your life as you desire. It doesn't matter if it seems unreal in the beginning, just keep flowing positive thoughts in your mind of a life you deserve! Just allow yourself to plant mental seeds. Improve on your secret sauce and stay motivated!
"Know that true growth happens when you stretch beyond what you already know."
"Starting today, go ahead and take a leap and see where it leads you by
If you are seeking a Mentor or Coach... contact Coach Sheila through www.think-forward-now.com she is open-mined and definitely lives in her authentic self and always open to inspire, guide and stand in the space that allows for new clients to Shift forward and begin to shine bright like a diamond. Coach Sheila is Certified as a Thought-Life Coach with a focus on Motivation, Mind-Set, Mindfulness and the Self-Awareness.
If you are a person who desires to motivate and elevate the mind-set of our brothers and sisters through Thought-Awareness and be a guide as they Shift their Life into new beginnings as a Certified Thought-Coach please contact Coach Sheila for more information on how you can begin this new journey.
Quote: "Secret Sauce"- by Lisa Nichols
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